“How to Create Tribute Videos” is my latest book, available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.
It joins “The VideoBiz” book in my attempt to share my knowledge gained in 40 plus years of slide, multimedia, meeting, and Interactive production.
Tributes are where I got my start, producing a tribute for my father’s 50th birthday, the College of Journalism Dean’s retirement, a class graduation, and my sister’s engagement party. All were celebrations of people.
Despite a life of producing new product intro’s, training tapes, corporate overviews, rah-rah rally-the-troops rousers, and major meetings with actors and flying vacuum cleaners, I always loved tributes the best.
And we did them for the corporate world: retirements, award biographies, military ceremonies, memorials, and more.
I learned over the years that I had developed (in my head) a set of rules for producing good tributes. I communicated them over the years to many of my writers and producers. So years ago, I took a first stab at writing a book about tribute video productions.
But things have changed, technologically and generationally. And I now have much more time to build out the book I’d really want to share with people. Except now, it’s freelancers, video enthusiasts, or anyone who suddenly has to produce a tribute and doesn’t know where to start.

This book covers it all:
- Theory of the personal story
- Equipment, from soup to nuts (with an emphasis on saving money)
- Acquiring and inputting assets for your story (photos, movies, clippings, interviews)
- The art of building a story
- The sequences you can follow to guarantee success
- Scriptwriting
- Audio
- Editing
- Public Domain photo, video and music resources
- Sample of successful tribute productions
- Web resources for additional learning, equipment purchases, even software
And that’s just off the top of my head (well, at least there’s something at the top of my head!)
I’m also building a home for tutorials and sample tributes at http://www.tributevideobook.com. It’s not ready yet, but it will be soon.
So tribute lovers, I urge you to take a look at the Kindle or Paperback edition! Amazon will show you the table of contents, or you can write me at brienlee@tributevideobook.com and I’ll zip you a copy of the table so you can see what you’re get it.