How We Got the Job Done for One New Jersey Company
It was early March, 2020, when we contracted with Comnet Communications Supply for a 5 minute capabilities overview for distribution in sales presentations, on the web, and via direct mail. They wanted the job done quickly as they had many pending requests for such a video.
"Quick" didn't happen.
After a first meeting and a personal delivery of the proposal and quote, we got the go-ahead. And, boom! Covid-19. All parties agreed: Wait and See. The project went on hiatus.
My contact, the VP- Sales & Marketing, worked from home. The company followed the New Jersey guidelines for its employees and we kept in touch, but shooting a skeleton crew wouldn't really hack it, and the customer pressure on my client was off since they were all dealing with the same thing.
Todays' Production Reality
There's something you should know about me: I'm no spring chicken. I've been in the "audio-visual" production business since bell-bottom jeans. I ran my own production companies for a long time, won a bunch of awards, and developed many nice relationships with corporates large and small. But when I moved back to New Jersey from Milwaukee, I knew that would all change. Desktop video was taking over, a fact I loved, because large production companies had big payrolls, plenty of subcontracting (to post-production houses, which could really eat up your budget), and all the headaches that come with all that. Been there, bought the t-shirt.

As everyone got used to covid and masking up, the project restarted. I finished the script and it was approved. I hired a great shooter and we set up shooting dates for a couple of days in June. We conducted an interview with the President of the company for use in the video. The shooting and interview went well, and I sat down to do my editing.
2 weeks later, I presented the final project. My contact had this to say:
"Despite the constraints of pandemic year 2020 and the intermittent availability of information that we could provide to Brien, his ingenuity and resourcefulness enabled us to overcome our problems and allow Brien to create and publish a high-quality video as designed in a reasonable timeframe. Thank you again Brien!"
You can see the video on the front page of this site.
Phil Portera, VP- Sales & Marketing, Comnet Telecom Supply
Despite the constraints of pandemic year 2020 and the intermittent availability of information that we could provide to Brien, his ingenuity and resourcefulness enabled us to overcome our problems and allow Brien to create and publish a high-quality video as designed in a reasonable timeframe. Thank you again Brien!"--
Phil Portera, VP- Sales & Marketing, Comnet Telecom Supply